About Us

The Wilmington Chapter of the North Carolina A&T State University was originally organized on April 28, 1940, in Troy, North Carolina by six Aggies. H.C. Gore was the guiding force in this endeavor. Charter members of the chapter were H.C.Gore – president, R.Wilson – vice president, Wilbur McNair – secretary, Samuel W. Hawkins – assistant secretary, E.D. Sinclair -‘treasurer, O.T. Buffaloe – chaplain, Stanley Jones and Ruth Hall. The membership of the chapter quickly increased from six to over thirty in a short period. The Gate City Chapter gave assistance to the newly organized chapter by drafting its by-laws of the constitution.

In 1941, the chapter undertook its first attempt at fund raising. This attempt
was not a successful one and shortly thereafter, the chapter disbanded. It wasreactivated and rechartered on November 12, 1961, as the Wilmington Area Chapter with membership from five counties (New Hanover, Onslow, Pender, Columbia and Brunswick counties).

Under the presidency of the late French Davis, in 1966, the chapter contributed $1,000 to the scholarship fund. This was believed, at that time, to be the largest contribution ever contributed by a chapter. Lethis Hawkins served as secretary of the chapter, in 1966, and William Burnett as treasurer.

According to the A&T Register, the school newspaper, there had been, in 1937 an organized group of Aggies in the Wilmington area. The group, the article continued, had its beginning at the home of Charles L. Bryant in April 1937. Here the group drank a toast to the CIAA basketball championship (1936-1937) and the potential football and basketball championship (1937-1938). Alumni present at this meeting were Charles L. Bryant, John E. Stewart, Reginald Telfair, William Burnett and Herbert E. Brown.